Michael Sheldon's Stuff

Michael Sheldon (mike at mikeasoft dot com)

September 21, 2005

Qemu GUIs
Mike @ 4:33 pm

I’ve decided to start doing the whole blog thing. Mostly just to show off the random stuff I’m working on, so whiney bloggyness will be kept to a minimum and cool screenshots to a maximum. On that note…

I’ve been hacking together a patch for Qemu to make it easy to create more advanced GUIs. If you look at VMWare it has nice facilities for managing multiple virtual machines in different tabs. I’d like to see that sort of feature in a Qemu GUI.

Here’s a quick screenshot of my progress so far:

Tabbed Qemu session

Notice the tabs at the bottom; each has a separate Qemu session displayed in it.

I need to finish working out how much can be handled through just passing X events to Qemu’s window and how much will need extra patching to Qemu itself before I considered submitting the patch though.

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