New Guitar
Mike @ 5:32 pm
Got a train in to Koln today and bought myself a nice new Dobro (all quite the challenge to my poor German skills) and have started to learn to play some nice mellow sliding blues. Here’s a picture:

It’s suprising how loud a little guitar can be :).
Mike @ 4:21 pm
I bought myself a digital camera yesterday, so I could take some pictures of my year here in Germany. I’ve only taken a couple of pictures so far, but I’ve setup a gallery at: It just has a few pictures of my flat and the surrounding area at the moment, hopefully I’ll have a bit more to add next weekend when I plan to make a trip to Köln in search of a Dobro. Enters Beta
Mike @ 6:58 pm
For a few months now I’ve been working with a nice chap called Michael Harpur to create a site filled with sailing tips and advice which, more importantly, allows other people to share their tips as well. My role has mostly been to code up the technical side of things while Michael provided much of the design and the hard work of seeding the site with around 100 very detailed tips. It’s still only in a beta stage, so there may be a few rough edges and we’d appreciate any comments people have. We have a fair amount of extra functionality planned for the future, but more ideas certainly wouldn’t hurt :).