Michael Sheldon's Stuff

Michael Sheldon (mike at mikeasoft dot com)

September 23, 2005

STX Minimo
Mike @ 4:18 pm

I spent a little more time working on the STX version of Minimo. What I’m trying to do is produce a version of Minimo which works nicely on low end desktop machines. Minimo itself is designed for PDAs, mobile phones and other small devices with around 64MB of RAM. Due to the differences in display there’s a lot of changes needed to the interface. After looking at some documentation on Mozilla’s RDF system I’ve started to write support for bookmarks in to the interface, once this is done and a few slight annoyances are fixed it should be roughly usable.


STX Minimo browser

For anyone wanting to have a play with it a slightly older version can be downloaded from: http://junk.mikeasoft.com/stxminimo_0.1_386.deb

The package was just knocked together quickly and so lacks dependancy information and such, but if Firefox/Epiphany/Mozilla runs on your system then this should too. Pressing return in the location bar doesn’t work correctly yet, you need to press the separate “Go” button.

My (somewhat unscientific) tests had it loading over 3 times faster than Opera inside Qemu, taking only 9 seconds instead of 34 from a cold start.

1 Comment »

  1. That’s a cool thingy. Keep up the good work 🙂

    Comment by Mona — November 1, 2005 @ 8:47 am

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