Michael Sheldon's qml Stuff

Michael Sheldon (mike at mikeasoft dot com)

March 2, 2014

QML and Box2D Game Template for Ubuntu Touch
Mike @ 11:57 pm

Tomorrow (Monday the 3rd of March) at 5pm UTC I’ll be giving a talk about QML and Box2D based game development for the Ubuntu App Developer Week, details of my talk can be found here: http://summit.ubuntu.com/appdevweek-1403/meeting/22144/game-development-with-qml-and-box2d/

In preparation for this I’ve put together a simple template for getting started with QML and Box2D development for both desktop Ubuntu and Ubuntu Touch. It’s available in two flavours:

  • Precompiled version – Includes QML Box2D already compiled for amd64 and armhf (when I have more time I’ll add i386 to this as well).
  • Source version – Makes it easy to compile everything yourself on whatever architecture you’re interested in.

This means that if your game is going to be purely QML based you can just grab the precompiled version, and run “make click-packages” and have packages built for both desktop and mobile use at the same time.

The template comes populated with an example application (one of the standard QML Box2D demos), which is found in the “src/” directory; so you’ll be able to see something running straight out of the box, then when you’re ready you can just replace this with your own game.

In the future I also plan to extend these templates to provide example packaging for multiple different QML + Box2D compatible mobile platforms (Sailfish, MeeGo, Blackberry, Android, etc.)

If you’re interested in seeing an example of the sort of thing you can achieve fairly easily with QML and Box2D I’ve also uploaded a video of one of my current work in progress projects:

Splort! A QML and Box2D based mobile game

April 27, 2012

Seagull Strike
Mike @ 5:58 pm


A while back a wrote a little game for the Nokia N9 and N950, mostly as a way to explore the QML Box2D bindings. However, whilst packaging up my StatusNet client I thought I might as well release this as well since it can be a fairly enjoyable distraction. Below is a short video demonstrating how it works, and at the end of the post you can find details on where to get hold of it.


You can either download it via Apps for Meego, or get hold of the package directly here: http://mikeasoft.com/~mike/seagullstrike_0.1-2_armel.deb.


License: GPL version 3.0 or later
Gitorious repository: https://gitorious.org/seagull-strike
Ohloh project page: https://www.ohloh.net/p/seagull-strike

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