Michael Sheldon's Stuff

Michael Sheldon (mike at mikeasoft dot com)

December 30, 2013

Rockwatch 1.3 Released
Mike @ 4:00 pm



Rockwatch allows your N9 to communicate with a Pebble smart watch. It makes it possible to install and manage Pebble apps, upgrade your Pebble’s firmware, receive notifications of e-mails and SMS messages and control your music from your Pebble.

New features in version 1.3

  • Support for incoming calls and caller ID.
  • Fixes incorrect time offsets when setting the watch’s time from the phone.


Available in the Ovi Store


  1. Hi Mike. I purchased rock watch from the Nokia store and like it very much. I would like update it, as I have version 1.1. How do I get updates?

    Comment by Peggy — April 1, 2014 @ 3:21 am

  2. Hi Peggy, the version in the store is actually version 1.3 (the latest version), I just forgot to update the version number on the about page. Any future updates will be posted on my website and released through openrepos.net (unfortunately I haven’t had much time for Rockwatch development recently so there hasn’t been a new version yet).

    Comment by Mike — April 1, 2014 @ 1:13 pm

  3. Thanks, Mike. I am actually quite happy with the application accept for the following issues 1)when I try to update firmware for Pebble watch, it seems to download to the watch but then does not install–then I need to reboot my phone to get Rock Watch to stop running. 2) when I download a watch face, where do I put it so it can be recognized by the Rock Watch application? I appreciate any guidance.

    Comment by Peggy — April 1, 2014 @ 2:01 pm

  4. Hi Peggy, I’m afraid recent firmware packages don’t appear to work with Rockwatch, I think something may have changed in the format but I haven’t had the opportunity to look in to this in detail. Watch faces should be detected anywhere within MyDocs, however only watch faces using the 1.x SDK will work for now.

    Comment by Mike — April 6, 2014 @ 2:20 pm

  5. Thanks, Mike.

    Comment by Peggy — April 8, 2014 @ 5:15 pm

  6. Hello Mike,

    I see that the version I got form the Ovi Store is actually 1.3, so ignore my comment on the other page.

    Still hoping you can find the time to get Rockwatch compatible with the new Pebble software, but I do understand if you don’t have the time to work on it.


    Comment by yrjm — November 25, 2014 @ 4:38 pm

  7. Hi yrjm,

    Sorry, I really don’t have much time free any more, however the source for Rockwatch is available here: https://gitorious.org/rockwatch so if you can program or can find/employ someone who can then you’re more than welcome to update it.


    Comment by Mike — December 2, 2014 @ 12:58 pm

  8. I know it’s a longshot, but is this still available somewhere? I would love to connect my old Nokia 808 with my pebble.

    Comment by MrHellstorm — December 14, 2015 @ 6:52 am

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