Michael Sheldon's Stuff

Michael Sheldon (mike at mikeasoft dot com)

July 2, 2011

Libre.fm Radio Client for MeeGo Under Development
Mike @ 1:08 pm

Last week I got the news that I’d been accepted into Nokia’s community device program and would be receiving a Nokia N950 so that I could help produce some nice open source MeeGo apps ready for the launch of the Nokia N9 later in the year. The device hasn’t arrived yet, but I’ve already started on the first of my projects which is to create a Libre.fm radio client. Most of the basic functionality now works including authentication, tuning to stations, playing, pausing and skipping back and forth through the playlist. I won’t be making a release until after I’ve had a chance to actually test it on the device itself, but the code is all in the GNU FM git repository. Here’s a quick video of it in action:


  1. Hi Michael!

    First of all congratulations for your application, it already looks quite good!

    Then I’ve a qestion. Neither my device has arrived yet and I wanted to start coding, but the QEMU emulator is simply too slow to use. Watching the video it looks like it’s running on a real device! I also tried to use the QtQuick Components for Ubuntu Desktop but I really cannot manage them to work… I’ve tried to follow every instructions ecc….
    Where is your application running in that video? Are you using just basic QML or are you using Harmattan QtQuick Components?


    Comment by Andrea Grandi — July 2, 2011 @ 2:45 pm

  2. Hi Andrea,

    I’m using the Harmattan components, but rather than running within QEMU I’m using the x86 build of Harmattan inside a scratchbox environment and displaying everything in a nested X server (Xephyr). You can find some instructions for getting this setup here:

    SDK Installation:

    Setting up Scratchbox and Xephyr:

    Comment by Mike — July 2, 2011 @ 3:04 pm

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