After many months of abandonment I’ve finally started working on SabreGL again. I’ve rewritten it to make use of the Irrlicht engine; this makes things a lot simpler from my point of view and a lot flashier from the user’s. Irrlicht supports a lot more model formats than I did with my own engine as well as having support for vertex and pixel shaders and is much more reliable under Windows.
SabreGL rendering a BSP:
SabreGL rendering an X model, a height-mapped terrain, a particle source, displaying a 2D GUI and reporting what object the camera is currently looking at:
SabreGL under Windows (lower quality due to software rendering*):
The main thing to do at the moment is sort out how Irrlicht’s event system will communicate with Python, then I’ll see about updating Myrmidia to take advantage of all these flashy new enhancements.
* I’m only testing the Windows build in QEMU so no 3D acceleration is possible.
New site and new version…
SabreGL now has a new home at, offering more flexibility for future expansion (e.g. forums, game repositories, etc.). Most of the content is now complete, except for the documentation which needs updating from 0.1 before being ad…
Trackback by SabreGL — July 18, 2006 @ 6:57 pm