Michael Sheldon's nokia Stuff

Michael Sheldon (mike at mikeasoft dot com)

April 3, 2012

StatusNet client for the Nokia N9/N950
Mike @ 3:58 pm

StatusNet messages in the MeeGo events feed

There’s one thing that my Nokia N950 has been lacking and that’s a StatusNet client, so I set about hacking one together. I love the way that the N9/N950 events feed displays messages from Twitter and Facebook, so my main focus so far has been to integrate with this. I’ve now got my client to a stage at which it covers most of my own needs so I thought I’d make an early release for others to play with.

Once I’ve extended it a little further I plan on submitting it to both Apps For Meego and the general Nokia Ovi Store, but for now you can download the Debian package directly here.

One thing to note is that you will need to restart your phone before events will start to appear (this is due to a limitation in the way the SyncFW framework loads plugins).

The client is written mostly in Python, with a little C++ for integrating with the events synchronisation framework. It makes use of the StatusNet module written for the command line StatusNet client IdentiCurse and the python-eventfeed module written by Thomas Perl.


* OAuth login for identi.ca.
* Standard login for any other StatusNet services.
* Shows messages in the events feed.
* Fetches (and caches) user avatars.
* Displays messages from the events feed in the browser when clicked.
* Automatically fetches new messages in the events feed based on your events feed preferences.
* Can manually fetch new messages via the events feed ‘Refresh’ button.

Not yet implemented

* Posting messages.
* Displaying messages locally within the application.
* Displaying rich content (messages with multimedia attachments)


Ovi Store: StatusNet for MeeGo
Direct download: statusnet-meego_0.1-3_armel.deb


License: GPL version 3.0 or later
Gitorious repository: https://gitorious.org/statusnet-meego-plugin
Ohloh project page: https://www.ohloh.net/p/statusnet-meego

July 15, 2011

Box2D and Box2D-QML for Harmattan
Mike @ 4:44 pm

I’ve just built some Box2D and Box2D-QML packages for Harmattan. The Box2D-QML package is especially interesting, this wraps the Box2D API as QObjects allowing them to be made use of directly from within QML. So you don’t need any extra C++ to handle physics simulation for simple games or similar. Here’s a short video of one of the demos running on an N950:

The source code for the above demo can be seen in the Box2D-QML repository here: Monera Example and thanks to these wrappers is very simple.

Packages for the N9/N950 can be found in my OBS repository, simply download elleo.list into /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ and run apt-get update to make the repository available on your device, or just download the packages you’re interested in directly from http://repo.pub.meego.com/home:/elleo/Harmattan/armel/.

Many thanks to the Box2D and Box2D-QML teams for creating such nice tools, I’d certainly recommend them to anyone interested in 2D game development on the N9/N950 phones.

June 18, 2010

Jokosher on the Nokia n900
Mike @ 1:05 am

I’ve had another stab at getting Jokosher running on the Nokia n900 and I’m getting much closer to something actually usable now, as this screenshot attests:

Jokosher on the Nokia n900

There’s still a number of issues that need resolving before it’s really ready for use (most notably some playback/recording problems and some dialog boxes that are too large for the screen), but it’s getting there. When it’s working fully it could make the n900 a very useful device for portable podcasting, allowing users to record, edit, mix, encode and upload their roaming shows with nothing more than their phone.

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